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Welcome to B&G Fencing

Rasterade RB

Chain link with top rail and with barbed wire and straight head

Chain link fencing is a relatively inconspicuous and highly functional solution for a wide variety of site conditions. The B&G Rasterade chain link fence provides effective security with a neighbourly character, both in rural areas and when used to protect private premises. According to your needs, chain link fencing can be assembled with or without a top rail, provided with additional arms for barbed wire, special I-profile posts or flexible, glass fibre posts.

B&G only uses chain link of the highest quality. Constant quality and high tensile strength enable the chain link to be strung up tightly so that even after a long period of time, no deformation of the fence is visible. Since all posts are driven into the undisturbed soil a solid fence is guaranteed immediately after assembly has taken place.

This type of chain link fence is also available with bevelled top (type Rasterade SB)


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